Proven Real-Time Location System for Healthcare, CareTech RTLS Improves the Experience Between the Patient and Caregiver. Improve real-time location tracking while reducing the traditionally high cost of location tracking for healthcare

How Does it Work?
Designed and Manufactured to Conform with Aged Care and Hospital Environments. Built to Help Cut Costs and Save Lives. We Promise!
- Get CareTech RTLS Installed at Your Facility.
- Integrate with New CareTech IP Call Points or Retrofit into Existing CareTech Serial Systems.
- Enable Communication of Data for Both Staff and Patients Location for Duress and Movement in Healthcare Environments.
- Allow Staff to Move Freely Around the Facility, Collecting Their Locations as They Move.
Ideal for Aged Care and Hospital Environments
The CareTech RTLS is designed and manufactured specifically to conform with aged care and hospital environments.
Flexible Installation and Integration
The CareTech RTLS is designed to work with the new CareTech IP call points but it can also be retro-fitted into existing CareTech serial systems.
Data for Duress and Movement in The Healthcare Facility
RTLS communicates data for both staff and patient locations for duress and movement in health care environments.
Eased Staff Movement
CareTech RTLS allows staff members to move freely around the facility and it collects their locations as they move. Best of all CareTech RTLS does this without needing new infrastructure as it is embedded into the Nurse Call System.
Immediate or Real-Time Tracking
CareTech RTLS provides immediate or real-time tracking and management of medical equipment, staff and patients within all types of patient care environments.
Automatic Presence Event
As staff move into each room, CareTech RTLS activates an automatic presence event, enabling staff members to concentrate their efforts on the patients instead of the operational system requirements.
Instant Location Information
In case a staff member or patient requires assistance, RTLS will send their location to nurse display, mobile and cordless phones immediately after the duress button is pressed.
Numerous Possibilities for Integration and Reporting
With CareTech and RTM system, there are many possibilities for integration and reporting. RTM software allows users to create reports on the fly, automatically email the reports, or complete site by site comparison in RTM’s dashboard online feature. Specific RTLS reports for time of care given in rooms, and breakdowns of time spent in work zones.Most importantly, it reports duress events for both residents and staff. RTM middleware solution not only monitors your RTLS TAG, but it can also be interfaced to other assets including cordless.
Reduced Cost of Healthcare Location Tracking
The CareTech RTLS reduces the traditionally high cost of location tracking for healthcare. The required RTLS infrastructure is integrated into CareTech IP Nurse Call System as standard, which means that RTLS infrastructure costs are effectively zero.

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