CareTech and RTM both see Nurse Call as two different areas Hardware & Infrastructure and Software (Reports, Messaging and Data Centre); We therefore use two separate and different companies to achieve these outcomes for our customers.
CareTech Hardware and Infrastructure
CareTech offers a range of solutions from IP / Wi-Fi, Radio, RS485, Contact driven; each call point has the same look and function for the staff using it. While the major difference is CareTech will allow the leverage on infrastructure depending on the facility. The head end can be either PC based or Run on a PCB board or both can be implemented for redundancy. CareTech has designed the RTLS (Real Time Location System) to sit over the infrastructure allowing RTM reporting and data collected can occur even inside an older facility using legacy infrastructure.
RTM Software
Reports, Messaging and Data Centre
Different technologies communicating and the independent administration of Nurse Call, Security, Building Management, DECT phone and other electronic asset systems is fast becoming the IT teams limiting factor in organisations today. RTM takes this requirement and accountability from the IT team and bundles this into a single sign-on online web-based event alerting system. RTM uses organisation-based rules and organisation selected individual contractors to received direct communication on service, and outage-based events. This reduces the overall workload place on organisation IT team.

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